Gift registries with a twist


So it’s time to think about the types of gifts you would like from your guests. There are the traditional wedding registries, and of course the ever-popular wishing well. These days though, many couples have already lived together, long enough to collect their own pots and pans. And when it comes to money, a lot of people prefer to give a gift or other kind of contribution, so asking for money can sometimes be an uncomfortable option. I spoke to Tim Olsen from Olsen Irwin Gallery about the recent popularity of having an art gift registry, so I thought I’d share a handful of other unconventional ideas to ensure you aren’t stuck with 3 toasters!


Art Registry


Gorgeous pieces of art not only fill a space on the wall, but grows with your home and becomes part of your life. An art registry is a great idea for your guests to contribute to – and it will surely resonate with you through the years. Check out the Olsen Irwin Gallery website which has a registry section, or of course you can visit them at their stunning gallery in Paddington.


Honeymoon Registry

Who doesn’t want to go on a honeymoon! But after the costs of a wedding alone, finances can be tough! Having your guests gift a gesture of money towards your honeymoon is a great idea, and you’ll always be reminded of their generosity when you look through your photos and remember the experiences you had. Places like the Travel Registry offer a bunch of options your guests can contribute towards.


Charity Registry


Feel strongly about a particular charity or not-for-profit? Well, why not ask your guests to gift towards something close to your heart. Check out Karma Currency.


Cellar Registry


Yes, you can set up a registry of your beloved vino! Places like Wine Please have a registry section on their website, where you can select your drop(s!) of choice!


Online combination registry


So maybe you do need things for your home… But from more than one shop. Online combination registries like  Not Another Toaster offer you the choice of being able to select items from a range of different stores, so you can make sure all your wish items are on the list!

Approached the gift registry another way? Let us know in the comments below!

And make sure you take a listen to this week’s episode of Weddings, Parties, Celebrations on 2GB where I spoke to Tim Olsen from Olsen Irwin Gallery about how art makes an incredibly memorable wedding gift.